Shortcode – Callout Boxes

Callout Boxes

Callout boxes are an amazing way to grab people’s attention. With Credence you have so many options.

Amazing Callout Boxes
Spin The Icons
You can choose to have the icons spin, or not. You can even choose not to have an icon, or even have an image.
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Stationary Icon
You can choose to have the icons spin, or not. You can even choose not to have an icon, or even have an image.
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Spin The Icons
You can choose to have the icons spin, or not. You can even choose not to have an icon, or even have an image.
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Unlimited Colors
You can make the boxes any color you would like, set backgrounds font colors for all items.
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Unlimited Colors
You can make the boxes any color you would like, set backgrounds font colors for all items.
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Unlimited Colors
You can make the boxes any color you would like, set backgrounds font colors for all items.
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Wide Callout
Have a wide callout if you would like. They expand to their container so you can have them fit in columns or be full width. You can also control the border sizes, colors and radius!
Flipping Callouts
Flipping Callout
Have your callouts flip for a nice effect. You can put content on the front and back of these boxes, you can even have different colors for the front and back as well!
This is the backside of the flipped Callout, Include more content here and a button if you would like. This has a different color than the front.
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Flipping Callout
Have your callouts flip for a nice effect. You can put content on the front and back of these boxes, you can even have different colors for the front and back as well!
This is the backside of the flipped Callout, Include more content here and a button if you would like. This has a different color than the front.
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Flipping Callout
Have your callouts flip for a nice effect. You can put content on the front and back of these boxes, you can even have different colors for the front and back as well!
This is the backside of the flipped Callout, Include more content here and a button if you would like. This has a different color than the front.
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Image Callout
You can use images in the Callout boxes and set their height and width to make them fit perfectly!
This is the backside of the flipped Callout, Include more content here and a button if you would like. This has a different color than the front.
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Image Callout
You can use images in the Callout boxes and set their height and width to make them fit perfectly!
This is the backside of the flipped Callout, Include more content here and a button if you would like. This has a different color than the front.
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Image Callout
You can use images in the Callout boxes and set their height and width to make them fit perfectly!
This is the backside of the flipped Callout, Include more content here and a button if you would like. This has a different color than the front.
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Flipping Callout
This is a simple flipping callout box. There are no icons or buttons in here, this is great for information you’d like to share!
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  • Create Simple or Flipping Callouts.
  • Use any Font Awesome Icon.
  • Have a button open in a new window or existing.
  • Create with or without Icons, or Buttons.
  • Responsive – these callouts respond with the container.
  • Unlimited Background Colors.
  • Unlimited Font Colors.
  • Set Border Width, Radius, and Color.
  • Spin Icons.
  • Use Images instead of icons.